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Sponsor Spotlight: ITC Service

SSFC Operations Director Carl Mowatt (centre) with ITC Director Peter Anderson (left) and Head of Business Development Loren Charlton (right)

South Shields Football Club are happy to have the continued support of ITC Service as a sponsor for the 2024-25 season.

The Hebburn-based company - formed in 2006 - is one of the UK's biggest IT support companies and offers world-class managed technology services.

Services include IT support, cyber security, cloud services, hardware and proactive monitoring.

Director Peter Anderson explained the importance of local businesses teaming up with SSFC.

"ITC Service sponsored South Shields Football Club as part of our commitment to the South Tyneside Pledge, which aims to support and enhance the local community.

"By partnering with the club, we are investing in a vital community institution that brings people together and promotes healthy lifestyles.

"Our sponsorship aligns with our values of fostering local talent, encouraging teamwork, and contributing to the social and economic well-being of South Tyneside.

"Additionally, this partnership allows us to support and collaborate with other local businesses, creating a network of mutual support and growth.

"We believe that by supporting South Shields FC and working closely with local enterprises, we are not only helping the team achieve its goals but also strengthening the community fabric, boosting the local economy, and inspiring local youth to engage in sports and positive activities."

Club Operations Director Carl Mowatt was positive to extend the sponsorship.

"I am personally delighted to have ITC as the boardroom sponsor, they are great supporters to SSFC.

"They are always holding functions at the Club and sponsored one of the awards for last campaign's End of Season Awards.

"Again, this is another dynamic local business supporting our local club with a global presence."

For more information, visit

Do you want to sponsor the Club? Contact us via the details below.

Carl Mowatt - Operations Director (+447551153934)

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